CS 201: 360 Video: The Challenges of Streaming High Quality Video For Virtual Reality in a Bandwidth Constrained Environment, DAVID PIO, Facebook

Speaker: David Pio
Affiliation: Facebook






ABSTRACT: In this talk we introduce 360 video and discuss the challenges associated with reliably streaming 6k x 6k resolution VR video. We look at the computational tradeoffs made to transform VR video into a more compressible format, optimizations we made, and the delivery technology used to stream VR video called View Dependent Streaming. The result is the ability to stream and playback 6k x 6k VR video on a mobile VR device, which only has support to playback 4k x 2k video. BIO: David Pio is a Software Engineering Manager at Facebook. He currently leads the 360 Media Services Team, building the video encoding and delivery systems for VR video. He has a passion for video compression technologies, dating back to his college years trying to “backup” and “archive” movies and music. David received his BS in Computer Science and Engineering from UCLA and was born and raised in the LA area.

Hosted by Professor Milos Ercegovac

REFRESHMENTS at 3:45 pm, SPEAKER at 4:15 pm

Date(s) - Nov 10, 2016
4:15 pm - 5:45 pm

3400 Boelter Hall
420 Westwood Plaza Los Angeles California 90095