UCLA Computer Science 101

Computer science is a branch of engineering that encompasses the design, modeling, analysis, and applications of computer systems. Its study at UCLA provides education at the undergraduate and graduate levels necessary to understand, design, implement, and use the software and hardware of digital computers and digital systems.
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UCLA Computer Science 101

Computer science is concerned with the design, modeling, analysis, and applications of computer systems. Its study at UCLA provides education at the undergraduate and graduate levels necessary to understand, design, implement, and use the software and hardware of digital computers and digital systems.
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Multiple Tenure-Track Assistant Professor Positions in Computer Science

University of California, Los Angeles

Tenure-Track Assistant Professor Position in AI for Science 

University of California, Los Angeles

Open Rank Teaching Professor Position in Computer Science

University of California, Los Angeles

Tenure-Track Assistant Professor Position in Pacific Islander Experiences in Engineering

University of California, Los Angeles

UCLA Samueli
Computer Science
Engineering VI

Todd Millstein
Department Chair

Message from the Chair
Faculty Awards
Mission Statement

  • 38

    Faculty Members
  • 31

    Research Labs & Centers
  • 1,337

    Undergraduate students
  • 378

    Graduate students

Computer Science Affiliates Program (CSAP)

University of California, Los Angeles

Our Latest Research News

Department Announcements

Faculty members discuss impact of AI on academic research

Faculty members discuss impact of AI on academic research

More than 150 UCLA faculty, staff, postdocs, graduate and undergraduate students attended or tuned in to the livestream of Research in the Age of AI Symposium, which was held Feb. 15 at the California NanoSystems Institute at UCLA. “This is really going to change the...


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