Patrick (Pei-hung) Chen

Research Area: compressing machine learning models to make them deployable on devices with limited memory, accelerating the training and inference time of machine learning models to meet latency requirements, designing algorithms to improve the robustness and reliability of machine learning models

Dissertation topic: Efficient Machine Learning by Leveraging Data Dependent Information


Ziniu Hu

Research Area: Neural-Symbolic Reasoning, Graph Representation Learning

Dissertation Topic: Make Knowledge Computable: Differentiable Neural-Symbolic Reasoning


Kuan-Hao Huang

Research Area: Robust and Generalizable Natural Language Processing, Machine Learning

Dissertation Topic: Learning Robust and Reliable NLP Models to Syntax and Languages


Jian Weng

Research Area: building diversified full-stack hardware accelerators automatically and affordably, designing and analyzing specialized hardware mechanisms, their associated compiling techniques, and their automatic integration

Dissertation Topic: Designing, Synthesizing, and Automating Decoupled-Spatial Arcthiectures


Pei Wu

Research Area: theoretical computer science, complexity theory, quantum computing, Boolean function analysis

Dissertation Topic: communication and computation


Huan Zhang

Research area: formal verification of machine learning, computer security

Dissertation topic: Machine Learning with Provable Robustness Guarantees


Dongruo Zhou

Research area: machine learning, reinforcement learning

Dissertation topic: Not applicable
