Computer Account Policy

The UCLA Computer Science Department provides you with a computer account and network access to support your education and research.

Masters, PhD Students and Research Staff:
  • User accounts and directories will remain active for 6 months after graduation.
  • Backups of user’s directory will be kept for 2 years.
  • Email forwarding for life updated by DCF at users’ request.
Undergrads, Visiting Lectures and Guests:
  • User accounts will be active for duration of appointment or visit.
  • Email forwarding is not available after the account becomes inactive.
  • User accounts will be active for duration of employment.
  • Email forwarding will be available for 3 months after leaving department.

We expect you to behave responsibly with this account. Misuses could result in the loss of your account.

    1. You must follow the guidelines established by UCLA for all computer accounts, in addition to those guidelines specifically mentioned here.
    2. Do not break any US or California laws in the use of your account. This includes copyright laws.
    3. Do not use your account to break into any other account, either in the department or anywhere else. Do not use your account to probe other systems for vulnerabilities, nor to interfere with other people’s use of computers or networks, nor to eavesdrop on network traffic, nor to create and disseminate malicious code that causes trouble to others, nor to perform denial of service attacks.
    4. You may not use your account to support any business or other commercial activity.
    5. Be courteous and sensible in your interactions with others while using the machine. Avoid doing anything that will reflect badly on yourself, our department, or the university.
    6. Remember that the workstations, storage space, printers, scanners, and networks are shared resources. They cost the department money to provide and maintain, so use them sensibly and avoid waste.
    7. The department will make every reasonable effort to provide you with privacy and security for this account. You in turn must behave sensibly with regards to security. Choose a good password, do not share it with anyone else, do not allow others to use your account, and use reasonable care in installing and running software. Run a virus detection program on your machine, and keep its database updated. (UCLA will provide you a free Windows virus detection program through Bruin On-Line). If there are security problems with your account, you are expected to cooperate with the facility’s staff in solving them, and to take any steps that they require. In extreme circumstances, security problems may require the facility’s staff to disable your account with little or no notice. We will avoid such actions whenever possible.
    8. The department web server will host web pages for you. Remember that anything you post reflects on both you and us, and use this service responsibly. Try to avoid posting web pages that will become so popular that they will cause problems for others sharing the web server and the network.
    9. We urge you to bring problems and suggestions for improvement to our attention. Please understand that while the facility’s staff is committed to providing all users with a powerful, reliable computer and network environment, we cannot always solve your problems instantly and cannot incorporate all suggestions.
    10. Do not set up wireless networks on the UCLA campus without first consulting the facility’s staff. If they cause the rest of the department problems, we will have to track them down and shut them off with no warning. Repeatedly setting up such networks may cost you your account.

If you are unclear on whether certain actions or behaviors are acceptable under our policies, please consult one of the facility’s staff. Generally, use common sense and don’t do anything to others that you wouldn’t want done to you.

The UCLA Computer Science Dept. does NOT keep backup-tapes of user accounts beyond 2 years. You may, however, supply us with a tape and your account will be archived.

Only authorized, registered Computer Science Department graduate students are allowed in the Workstation Room. Admitting people who knock on the door(who do not have proper identification) may result in loss of your account.