UCLA Computer Science Department Industrial Affiliates Membership Program
Please reach out to jade@cs.ucla.edu to inquire about joining.
Nonprofit Partner (Green)
For registered non-profit organizations
Startup Partner (Blue)
For smaller startup venues
Executive Partner (Bronze)
All other companies
- Recognition on our website at cs.ucla.edu
- Name on affiliates wall
- List open positions on internal UCLA CS job board
- Direct contact with CS undergraduate student groups through undergrad resume book, announcements in student newsletters, and promotional material in student clubhouse
- Access to on-campus rooms for interviews, office hours, etc.
- Complimentary career fair
Partner (Blue)
- Recognition on acknowledgment wall located in the Chairs Office Lobby
- Recognition on our website at cs.ucla.edu
- Customized assistance in contacting graduate students in the areas of interest to the member company; assistance to set up on-site interviews
- Invitation to present one technical talk each year at the department-wide seminar series to highlight member company’s research and technology
- Networking with CS undergraduate student groups to organize Info-Sessions, Tech-Talks, Hackathons, Competitions, and Company Tours per chairman’s discretion
- Opportunity to host Tea Time
- Complimentary parking for vehicles when recruiting at the UCLA Computer Science Department
- Facilitating the interaction with faculty members in the areas of interest, including research collaborations, reference checking, summer internships, and consulting
- Direct contact with CS undergraduate student groups in the form of: 1) a resume portfolio of CS undergraduate students; 2) member company logo listed on student group websites as a sponsor and in conjunction with any large events the member chooses to hold; 3) logo representation in the form of student group t-shirts; 4) product placement or logo representation in videos produced by CS undergraduates; 5) member company announcements included in student newsletters, which reach approximately 1,800 people; 6) member company promotional material in the student group clubhouse.
- Complimentary Career Fair
- An invitation to attend the Computer Science Department’s Distinguished Lecture Series
Executive Partner (Gold)
- Recognition on acknowledgment wall located in the Chairs Office Lobby
- Recognition on our website at cs.ucla.edu
- Customized assistance in contacting graduate students in the areas of interest to the member company; assistance to set up on-site interviews
- Invitation to present one technical talk each year at the department-wide seminar series to highlight member company’s research and technology
- Networking with CS undergraduate student groups to organize Info-Sessions, Tech-Talks, Hackathons, Competitions, and Company Tours per chairman’s discretion
- Opportunity to host Tea Time.
- Complimentary parking for vehicles when recruiting at the UCLA Computer Science Department
- Facilitating the interaction with faculty members in the areas of interest, including research collaborations, reference checking, summer internships, and consulting
- Direct contact with CS undergraduate student groups in the form of: 1) a resume portfolio of CS undergraduate students; 2) member company logo listed on student group websites as a sponsor and in conjunction with any large events the member chooses to hold; 3) logo representation in the form of student group t-shirts; 4) product placement or logo representation in videos produced by CS undergraduates; 5) member company announcements included in student newsletters, which reach approximately 1,800 people; 6) member company promotional material in the student group clubhouse.
- Complimentary Career Fair
- An invitation to attend the Computer Science Department’s Distinguished Lecture Series
- Close ties with a specified research laboratory or center with regular meetings and visits for exchanges of research problems and results
- One industrial visitor within the specified laboratory/center in the Computer Science Department for a period of up to 12 months. The visitor is provided with office space and is given full access to our computer facilities, libraries, and research laboratories, and the visitor is entitled to attend all classes and lectures and to freely interact with our faculty and students
- One representative on the department’s advisory board to provide valuable input and feedback to the department regarding its education and research directions
- Participation in the undergraduate senior-year project program in which the member company can propose a year-long project for a team of 3-4 students to work on as their senior-year project under the supervision of a faculty advisor
UCLA Computer Science Department Affiliates 2024
D. E. Shaw group
Faculty Liaison
Paul Eggert
DRW Holdings, LLC
Faculty Liaison
Paul Eggert
Faculty Liaison
Milos Ercegovac
Faculty Liaison
Paul Eggert
Faculty Liaison
John Cho
Lockheed Martin
Faculty Liaison
Paul Eggert
Faculty Liaison
Paul Eggert
Profitable Biodiversity
Faculty Liaison
Paul Eggert
Quandary Peak
Faculty Liaison
Paul Eggert
Faculty Liaison
Jason Cong
Sandia National Laboratories
Faculty Liaison
Peter Reiher
Vannevar Labs
Faculty Liaison
Peter Reiher