Computer Science Undergraduate Named Goldwater Scholar

Iris Cong, a junior-year computer science student in HSSEAS, was recently named a 2016 Goldwater Scholar by the Barry Goldwater Scholarship and Excellence in Education Foundation (Goldwater was a former five-term U. S. Senator from Arizona). This award is presented to...


The HSSEAS website ( has highlighted the recent award of a $6.1M grant from NIH entitled Center for Biomedical Real-Time Health Evaluation for Pediatric Asthma (BREATHE), and features a photo of CSD Professor Majid Sarrafzadeh. The...

Raghu Meka: NSF Career Award

Professor Raghu Meka is the recent recipient of an NSF CAREER award for his research entitled “The Power and Limitations of Randomness.” The Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) awards are designed to support the early career-development activites of those...