Congratulations to computer science Ph.D. student Qi Zhao for being awarded the Best Poster Award for IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference 2018 at Barcelona, Spain. His poster, titled “A Multi-path TCP Solution for Software-Defined Naval Heterogeneous Network”, introduces multi-path TCP and software defined networking to together manage and optimize the traffic flows for the communication among different kind of naval entities. In the poster, Zhao demonstrated that his team’s proposed approach can efficiently increase the overall end-to-end throughput of the network and therefore enhance the network utilization.

Qi completed his undergraduate degree at the Xidian University and master degree at the Beihang University in China, where he received his B.S. in software engineering and M.S.E. in computer science and technology. Now, he is a Ph.D. Candidate in computer science and is being advised by computer science professor Mario Gerla. Before UCLA, Qi worked with Professor Peiqian De in computer system and architecture and his research interests are energy efficient system and architecture modeling and optimization. Currently, his research focuses are software defined networking and network caching for efficient network content delivery in wireless networks.