UCLA CS 239 Homework Winter 2004

MicroJava grammar microjava.jj specification [javac+java] programs
NanoJava grammar nanojava.jj specification [javac+java] programs
Interfaces grammar interface.jj specification [javac] programs
MiniScheme grammar minischeme.jj specification [scm, or similar] programs interpreters recscm.scm README

The grammars for MicroJava, NanoJava, Interfaces, and MiniScheme are needed for the homework. Notice that the grammars are available both in html and in JavaCC notation.

Homework 1: Java Interpreter

Use JTB/GJ and JavaCC and write in Java one or more visitors which interpret a MicroJava program. You can assume that the MicroJava program can be compiled by javac. Your main file should be called Interpret.java, and if P.java contains a program to be interpreted, then

java Interpret < P.java

should have the same behavior as if one compiles P.java with javac, and then runs P.class with java.

Homework 2: Java Structural Subtyping

If A,B are names of interfaces, then a subtype query is of the form
A <= B ?
This query has the answer Yes if A is a subtype of B in the structural subtyping order for Java described below, and No otherwise. A grammar for a list of Java interfaces together with a list of subtype queries is given in the file interface.jj.

Use JTB/GJ and JavaCC and write in Java one or more visitors which decides the subtype queries. Your main file should be called DecideSubtyping.java, and if P contains an input file then

java DecideSubtyping < P

should print a sequence of Yes and No, each on a new line. In this Homework, we view a Java interface as an infinite, regular tree which is obtained by replacing occurrences of interface names by their definition. A path is in the set

(Identifier {0,1})*

where the identifiers are method names, 0 denotes ''argument type'', and 1 denotes ''result type''. We use id to range over Identifier. Labels are from the set S = {Int,Bool,Void,->,Interface}. An interface can now be represented as a partial function

t : (Identifier {0,1})* -> S

with domain dom(t) satisfying We can now define a structural subtyping order of Java interfaces by combining the ideas from structural subtyping of function types with the idea that an interface with a certain number of fields should be a subtype of an interface with fewer fields. For example, we want to have
A <= B ?  // No
B <= A ?  // Yes
C <= D ?  // No
D <= C ?  // Yes

interface A {
  A m(int a);

interface B {
  B m(int a);
  void p(boolean a);

interface C {
  int q(B a);

interface D {
  int q(A a);
  void r(int a);
We leave it to the reader to work out the details of the definition of structural subtyping.

Homework 3: Scheme Type Inference

Consider a type system where types are generated from the grammar:

t ::= t -> t | int | boolean | a

where a ranges over a set of type variables. Use JTB/GJ and JavaCC and write in Java one or more visitors which from a MiniScheme program produces the principal type, or decides that no type exists. Your main file should be called Infer.java, and if P.scm contains a MiniScheme program, then

java Infer < P.scm

should print either the principal type, or

Program does not type check

Homework 4: Java CPS Transformer

Use JTB/GJ and JavaCC and write in Java one or more visitors which translate a MicroJava program to a NanoJava program. You can assume that the MicroJava program can be compiled by javac. Your main file should be called CPS.java, and if P.java contains a MicroJava program to be translated, then

java CPS < P.java > Q.java

creates the NanoJava program Q.java which has the same behavior as P.java.

Homework 5: Java Flow-Directed Inliner

The goal of the homework is to write a MicroJava optimizer which inlines some method calls. The idea is to do a flow analysis and then use the computed information as the basis for replacing method calls with inlined code. You should only inline method calls for which the flow analysis has determined that there is a unique target method. Use the strategy described in the paper Type-Safe Method Inlining by Neal Glew and Jens Palsberg.

Use JTB/GJ and JavaCC and write in Java one or more visitors which transforms a MicroJava program to a MicroJava program in such a way that some method calls get inlined. You can assume that the MicroJava program can be compiled by javac. Your main file should be called Optimize.java, and if Prg.java contains a program to be optimized, then

java Optimize < Prg.java > OptimPrg.java

creates the program OptimPrg.java which has the same behavior as Prg.Java, and which is like Prg.Java, except that some method calls have been inlined.