
Language, Culture and Scientific Endeavors

Vocabulary and knowledge of how to use time- or role-indicating forms of action words constitute language. One who possesses these central linguistic tools is empowered. The power is an ability to discuss or describe things that is at the heart of all human cultures. We work with others using verbal techniques. Of all the ways that work takes place one in particular, science, is specially dependent. Science functions when knowledge is exchanged: experiments are replicated elsewhere leading to broad consensus about the fundamental ideas they illustrate. In all its many forms (pure, applied, engineering, technology) scientific communication is the foundation of our economy. The inability of most of society to use the underlying language of science (the Nobel-prize winning physicist Richard Feynman put it this way: To those who do not know mathematics it is difficult to get across a real feeling as to the beauty, the deepest beauty of nature. If you want to learn about nature, to appreciate nature, it is necessary to understand the language that she speaks in. [1]), mathematics, is a serious threat to our well-being. Further, the expanded role of computer technology in most areas of human society, and dependence of both hardware and software on the elements of mathematics means this threat is growing and now dangerous.

When easy communication takes place economic progress occurs. The revolution of 1776 was fueled by committees of correspondence. Successive governments' value of, and subsidies to, postal, canal, rail, highway, telegraph, telephone, air, computer-network, and mobile communication systems have helped build societies. These efforts have bound individuals into a society, gotten them to subordinate personal advantage for common welfare. Ultimately their success has been shown by peace, by government acceptance. Language is the core issue re material well-being. Today translation tools, multiple-language electronic dictionaries, and information sources from all parts of the globe are realities (web tools, consumer appliances, global exchange of data, word, sound and image files).

Since communicating is the central issue, it makes sense to divorce it from mathematics. Instead of "I hate math" answered by "Here's more math", this effort embeds concepts within elements that are generally acceptable. Proverbs, sayings, games, puzzles, images, and designs all offer options to engage those with mathematics/science antipathy (and cause them to interact with each other, computer training systems, and human instructors). The focus on communication activities that are inherently non-mathematical has a second aspect: the overall nature of this activity is to raise the valuation of what might be called folk-mathematics: mnemonic devices, card and dice gambling strategies, informal aspects of game theory and recreational topics.

Many believe that mathematics is a foreign and relatively-unlearnable language. That provides some with security. But like graves, such a justification for ignorance is only a place to hold those not alive. The belief that math is a) "a subject"; and b) both obscure and dull, is sustainable only if one doesn't use any thought. The reason it isn't a subject, is that it is an activity. The reason it isn't dull nor obscure, is that it has roots in the practical issues of daily life, and that everyone is fascinated by their own activities. Finally, antipathy to both computers and mathematics could be
Modern economies depend on computer technology and tools. Hence failure to confront "I hate math" has serious implications for nations. The better option is to accelerate development of the materials described here.


Every society has tools for challenging the next generation. In the heart of Africa, Polynesia, lower economic strata in Eastern Europe, cultures include logical puzzles, games, and visual patterns that exercise mathematical thought.

How can this prevalent anti-technical attitude be changed? One way is to require reflection and self-awareness oriented activity. For example, there are nine different cultures represented in proverbs. The required chore is select one of the ten items in the preceding URL and explain the perceived information it contains verbally and by a visual diagram.

  1. Feynmann, Richard, The Character of Physical Law, Cambridge, USA, 1967.
  2. Dantzig, Tobias, Number The Language of Science, New York, The Macmillan Company,
  3. Iverson, Kenneth E., "Notation as a Tool of Thought," Communications.Association for Computer Machinery, 23(8): 444-465, 1980.

10/21/02 Version Language
©2002 Allen Klinger