<H2><B>Directed Projects</B></H2>
9/23/99 Version General Comments www.cs.ucla.edu/~klinger/gencomments.html
Many students are more interested in doing a project than in taking the opportunity to define one. If that is the way you see yourself it may be better for you to work on something where there is a real need, existing resources, or an individual who needs assistance. This lists the files accessible from http://www.cs.ucla.edu/~klinger/directed.html, the directed projects page, and their projects, natures and contents.

Medical Information
Introduction. Includes Pointers: Four Authoritative Institutional Sources, One New Commercial Source, Two In-Progress Files
Projects: Health Browser, Sensing Systems, Personal History

Mathematical Fundamentals
Twelve Pointers: Two to introductions to many prior math sites; two to past student projects, one to a position paper. Seven pointers to articles about the problem of educating people in the area of math.

Visual Data
Introduction. Includes Five Pointers: Four to files including one to a past student project, one to a commercial source. Projects: Board Games, Art in Education, Quantified Design

Java Applications
Introduction. Projects: Six needed by outside party. One Pointer: Follows a second introduction and locates material showing current limitations.

Global Issues
Brief Introduction. One Pointer: to three-author report. Nine referenced articles, three Rolling Stone, six National Geographic.

Worthy Causes
Contact information and short introductions to four Projects: The Technical Horizon, Partially-Sighted, Astronomy, Venice Family Clinic. Four Pointers: Institute for the Future, Foresight Institute, Rand, JPL.

Distributed Computing Locates a Pointer illustrates UCLA publicizing a software invention.