Notes of Lecture 3 (Jan 14, 2013) and related reading by Ao Zhang

Table of contents

  1. Techniques to improve the performance of very secure word counter(VSWC)
  2. Modularity
  3. Modularization in action
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  1. Techniques to improve the performance of very secure word counter (VSWC)

    • DMA (direct memory access)

      In an older computer, CPU SENDs a message through bus to READ a chunk of data from the disk. The disk transmits data through the bus to CPUs, then CPU transmits data to RAM. The following image shows how disk controller responds to the request.



      Better performance can be obtained with DMA. When a CPU SENDs a request to READ data, it includes the address of memory as part the request. Another CPU inside the disk controller then recognizes the request, and sends requested data directly to RAM. The process can be illustrated by



      Two obvious benefits of using DMA are:

      • DMA reduces the load of bus, as there is no need to transfer data twice.
      • DMA reduces the workload of processor, as it does not need to retransmit data.
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    • Large I/O buffer

      Suppose the program runs so slowly that CPU processing speed is the same as buffer reading speed. If the buffer size is kept unchanged (just enough as a process buffer), processing data can be illustrated below:

          |     data1   data2   data3
      CPU |     ====    ====    ====
          | data1   data2   data3
      I/O | ====    ====    ====

      As I/O buffer is reading in data, the CPU keeps iterating to check if the buffer is ready--not doing something useful. Later, after the buffer read in all required data, the CPU begins processing, but then I/O device becomes idle. However, being idle is usually a waste!

      One solution can be to double the size of buffer (as illustrated below). While the CPU is processing data1, I/O buffer reads data2. Ideally, when I/O devices finish reading data2, the CPU also finishes processing data1, and can immediately move on to data2 in I/O buffer. The previous process buffer (holding data1) then serves as the I/O buffer to read in data3



      The process can be illustrated below in terms of data flow.

          |      data1data2data3
      CPU |     |====|====|====
          | data1data2data3
      I/O | ====|====|====

      With larger buffer size, the performance can be improved by two. However, there are some interesting assumptions worthy of consideration as well.

      If we triple the buffer size
      There is no performance improvement, as the extra buffer may not even be used given the same I/O speed.
      If CPU_time == 0.5 I/O_time
      Assuming I/O speed is unchanged, we increase only CPU speed by two. There can still be some improvement.
          |      data1data2data3
      CPU |     |==  |==  |==  
          | data1data2data3
      I/O | ====|====|====
      If 0.5 CPU_time == I/O_time
      Assuming CPU speed in unchanged, we increase only I/O speed by two. There can still be some improvement.
          |      data1data2data3
      CPU |     |====|====|====
          | data1data2data3
      I/O | ==  |==  |==  

      or if buffer size is unlimited, I/O keeps reading in data, then

          |      data1data2data3
      CPU |     |====|====|====
          | d1|d2|d3
      I/O | ==|==|==  
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    • Use less copies of function

      Recall the read_sector() function:

      		  1 void wait_for_ready ()
      		  2 {
      		  3    while (inb(0x1f7) & 0xc0 != 0x40)
      		  4        continue;
      		  5 }
      		  7 void read_sector(int s, char* a)
      		  8 {
      		  9    wait_for_ready();
      		  10    outb (0x1f2,1);
      		  11    outb (0x1f3, s&0xff);
      		  12    outb (0x1f4, (s>>8) & 0xff);
      		  13    outb (0x1f5, (s>>16) & 0xff);
      		  14    outb (0x1f6, (s>>24) & 0xff);
      		  15    outb (0x1f4, 0x20);
      		  16    wait_for_ready();
      		  17    /* output the count to the screen */
      		  18    insl (0x1f0, a, 128);
      		  19 }

      Note that there are multiple copies of this function in a machine.

      • in BIOS (since we need BIOS to copy this function into RAM)
      • in MBR (or in VBR)
      • in the VSWC program

      Though for a mini-program like this, memory space is not that important, but as a program scales up, cache is usually precious. One way to save cache is keeping only one copy by storing the function only in BIOS. This method worked (Microsoft once pressed Phoenix to add function inside BIOS) (ref: lecture).

      However, one obvious problem with this design relates to the fact that BIOS is stored inside a read-only space in memory. On the one hand, since the function cannot be modified, it

      • sets constraints on disk controller and OS (e.g.fixed sector size)
      • assumes that every application and device reads section in the same way
      • does not support new features (e.g.still fixed sector size)

      On the other hand, developers should not always bother to write a particular version of read_sector(). As a solution, OS keeps a copy of the function.

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  2. Modularity

    • Problems with VSWC

      • Poor performance.

      • Hard to modify and debug.

      • Too much work to reuse.

        "Copy and paste" method certainly works in small projects, but that possibility is dim if a function needs to be pasted in hundreds of thousands of other programs.

      • Cannot run with other program concurrently.

        If Microsoft Word and VSWC run at the same time, they may compete for control of bus and other devices while calling read_sector().

      • No error-checking/recovery mechanism

        It is possible to set error check mechanism inside VSWC, but that is too much pain. Why not have a general error-checking and recovery environment that every program can access?

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    • Techniques to use

      • modularity

        break a program into pieces.

      • abstraction

        modularity with nice pieces

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    • Example: modularity in debugging

      Assume that there are N=10^6 lines of code, K = 2000 modules; moveover, the number of bugs and the time to fix a bug are both proportional to N.

      • fix bug line by line

        Implementing all codes in a really big function follows the Turing method. Though the function can be really fast, but it can be hard to understand and debug. For example, here the time complexity to debug is O(N^2)

      • fix bug module by module

        Assume that a bug associates with a single module, and each module has its fair share of bugs. The time to fix all bugs: bugs in one module (N/K) * lines in a module/time to fix a bug inside a module (N/K) * number of module (K) = O(N^2/K) However, this result does not hold in reality, since

        • A bug is usually associated with multiple modules
        • Modules are of reasonable size, and the number of modules cannot be infinite
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    • Metrics of a good module

      • Simplicity

        Modules should be easy to learn/remember/use/document

      • Robustness

        Module should work under "harsh" condition, and can tolerate faults.

      • flexibility

        There should not be many assumptions/restrictions on using the module.

      • Performance

        Cost of production; how much people are willing to pay for the performance.

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    • How to support modularization

      1. Don't: use lots of global variables, big functions.
      2. Use function/procedure/routine/methods: function-call modularity
      3. Client/Server modularity
      4. Virtualization
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  3. Modularization in action

    • A recursive function call: soft modularity

      	  /* @description: a function that calculates the factorial of n */
      	  int fact (int n)
      	    if (n==0) return 1;
      	    else return n*fact(n-1);
      By compiling the above code with "gcc -S fact.c" on a (x86) machine
      	  Processor:    2x Intel(R) Pentium(R) CPU        P6000  @ 1.87GHz
      	  Operating System:   Linux Mint 13 Maya
      	  Default C Compiler:    GNU C Compiler version 4.6.3 (Ubuntu/Linaro 4.6.3-1ubuntu5)
      I obtained the following code (with modification) (the assembly code is different from that given in class)
      	  pushl	%ebp              //save old %ebp
      	  movl	%esp, %ebp        //set new stack base pointer
      	  subl	$24, %esp         //create a stack
      	  cmpl	$0, 8(%ebp)       // if-else
      	  jne	.L2               // if not equal
      	  movl	$1, %eax          // if (n==0) set %eax to 1
      	  jmp	.L3
      	  movl	8(%ebp), %eax
      	  subl	$1, %eax          // n-1
      	  movl	%eax, (%esp)      // prepare for argument
      	  call	fact              // recursive call
      	  imull	8(%ebp), %eax     // n*fact(n-1)
      	  ret                       // return %eax

      And the resulting stack is shown below (stack grows downward)

      	|      	argument n            |
      	|	return address        |
      	|			      |
      	|	......  	      |
      	|			      |
      	|       argument n-1          |
      	|-----------------------------|-24 <---%esp
      	|     return address          |
      	|stack of next fact() instance|
      	|        .........            |
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      From this simple example, we have a feeling of caller-callee contract, as stated below:

      Caller-callee contract (at return)

      • %ebp must be set to the return address
      • -4(%ebp) must be the first argument, i.e. n
      • %eax holds return value
      • %esp == old %esp + 4 as %esp holds return value
      • enough stack space must be reserved
      • callee must set %ip (next instruction pointer) to return address and return

      if the contract is violated, any bad thing can happen (e.g.stack overflow). Errors in this case can propagate easily from callee fact() to caller fact(), and even to caller of fact(). This is known as soft modularity.

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    • Client-server Factorial: hard modularity

      Suppose the factorial function is made available on-line, and the result for each valid integer is made a page, accessed like this (factorial of "23"):

      This time, it is harder for an error to propagate between modules, so it is a hard-modularity by definition.

      Under this mechanism

      1. A client builds an argument message and sends it to a server.
      2. The server extracts arguments from the message, computes, builds a response message including the result, and sends back/responds.
      3. The client receives the message and extracts the result.


      • separate client&server geographically

        To some extent it prevents both sides break down together. For example, an earthquake may hit client in Los Angeles, but the server remains contact in New York.

      • no shared state

        Client and server interacts with messages, thus an error can only propagate in one way. If the client and the server validate the message, they can control the way errors propagate.

      • only well-defined messages are allowed

        Many errors cannot propagate, such as stack corruption on the client.

      • well-defined interface

        It is convenient for developers, as they don't need to know the internal of client module if they are working on the server side, and vice versa.


      • equipment

        Usually require one computer per side.

      • performance

        There is some overhead (e.g.sending request, acknowledge that request, transmission of packet), it is really inefficient if the function is small and simple, but works fine for relatively large function.

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