CS 111 Lecture 16 Scribe Notes:
Robustness, parallelism, and NFS

Scribe: Spencer Lin
Lecture by Professor Paul Eggert
Delivered on 3/12/2012

Table of Contents
1. Network File Systems
2. Performance and RPCs
2.1 HTTP Pipelining
2.2 Issues with RPCs
3. NFS Protocols
4. Reliability
4.1 Media faults and RAID

NFS - Network File System

Let's take a look at an upcoming NFS as an example:
Oracle's Sun ZFS Storage 7320 Appliance (Available May 2012)

NFS Picture
- 2 storage controllers
- 2 10 GbE adaptors
- 8 512 GB SSDs (for read acceleration)
- 8 73 GB SSDS (for write acceleration)
- 136 300 GB 15 kRPM hard drives
Add these all up and you get: 37 TB total exported capacity (32 filesystems)

Observation: Why are there 2 controllers, 2 adaptors, etc.?
What do the benchmarks look like?
- Taken from spec.org, a website that measures how fast everything is
- Using the benchmarks for NFS v3 (SPECsfs2008_nfs.v3), the performance graph for the Sun system:
Sun ZFS Performance Graph
Graph from: http://www.spec.org/sfs2008/results/res2012q1/sfs2008-20120206-00207.html

Observation: the NFS is roughly 3x faster than a local hard drive. Why/how?

Performance and RPCs
- A client issues a request (read, write, etc.) to the server and must wait for a response.
- Say that the wait time between a request and response is 2 milliseconds long. Then, a series of RPCs would look like this:
RPC Sequence
Solution: Use multiprocessing
RPCs using multiprocessing

- We now have overlapped reads and writes
- This works well if threads are independant
C: read a page: GET /HTTP/....
S: returns the page
C: read a page: GET /HTTP/....
S: returns the page

- Again, this is really slow, but this can be fixed using http pipelining.

HTTP Pipelining
  1. Don't pipeline: be slow; wait for actual responses
  2. Pipeline: be fast; keep going and lie to the user about whether a request worked or not
If implementing solution 2, it is common to report errors on the close operation. We now have that close is slow, but that is okay because everything else will be fast.
Example: if (close(fd) != 0)
// do something with the error

Pros/Cons of RPCs

+ hard modularity (different address spaces)
- messages can be delayed
- messages can be lost (between the client and server)
- messages can be corrupted
- network or sever might be down or slow

If there is no response:
- try again / keep trying (at-least-once-RPC). This method is good for idempotent operations (Ex: read, write, etc.)
- return an error to the caller (at-most-once-RPC). This method is good for dangerous operations (Ex: transactions that involve money, etc.)
- exactly-once-RPC

NFS Protocols
This means, a controller's RAM doesn't count as part of the state, only the cache does.
Protocol Return
READ(fh, data)
WRITE(fh, data)
LOOKUP(fh, name) fh + attributes
REMOVE(fh, name)
CREATE(fh, name, attr) fh

- A file handler is just an integer, for simplicity's sake, that uniquely identifies a file (like inodes in an actual filesystem).
- In order for this to work, part of the NFS code will be in the kernel.
write to read consistency
Even though C1 writes to the file before C2 reads it, C2 is still stuck with a copy of the old data.

- NFS does not guarantee write-to-read consistency (one client may get old data)
- NFS does, however, guarantee close-to-open consistency (because they are slower)


What in an NFS can potentially fail?
- bad network --- we can address this using retries
- bad client
- bad server
- bad disk (media faults)

Media Faults
RAID 0 - concatenation: allows for a bigger virtual disk than physical disk

Idea: string multipe small disks together to get a large virtual disk

RAID 1 - mirroring: reads are faster than average; can also read both disks at the same time
Idea: duplicate disks so that both disks can be read from, making information retrieval faster

RAID 4 - XOR disk: can recover information if a disk fails or is corrupted; fixes media faults
- If the XOR disk fails, we can recompute it by XORing disks 1 to N-1
- If any other drive failes, we can recompute it using the XOR disk
(For example, if B fails, recompute its information via A ^ C ^ D ^ (A ^ B ^ C ^ D from XOR disk))