Scribe Notes for 04/27/10

Tara McBride

Critical section = mutual exclusion + bounded wait

readc + writec

  1. implemented as system calls
  2. on a uniprocessor
  3. clock interrupt - might resume some other process


[ get a lock

add data to buffer

unlock ] (system calls provide lock for free)


[ disableinterrupts( )

add data to buffer

enableinterrupts( ) ]

disabling interrupts is done cheaply--just requires setting a register

Is this a good way to go? Yeah, if it's cheap (which it is on a uniprocessor).


Suppose you disable interrupts and forget to enable interrupts. This is a very common programming error!


  return failure; // forget to enable interrupts again!

Readers + Writers

Often have a shared data structure and sometimes there are people that only want to read to it (not write to it).

Both need to lock. Readers can lock out other readers, which doesn't make a lot of sense.

Want a "read lock" that will handle any amount of readeres.

For write lock, only want one writer (no readers).

How would we do this?

lock-for-reading(struct rlock *p);
lock-for-writing(struct rlock *p);

struct rlock {
 unsigned int readers; // want to keep track of how many readers
 bool writer; // don't need this
 lockt l; // spin lock

// lock-for-reading

lock(&p->l); // need lock and unlock in case readers want to access at the same time

// lock-for-writing

// This code is wrong:

 do lock(&p->l);
 while(p->readers); // is non-zero

// Fix it:

 for(;;) {
  if(!p->readers) return; // have write lock
   unlock(&p->l); // have to unlock before locking again

void unlock_for_reading(struct rlock *p) {

void unlock_for_writing(struct rlock *p) {

What is deeply unsatisfying about this approach?

Spin locks (mutexes) are not enough...

Blocking mutex: when you can't lock, you give up the CPU so that it can work on some other thread. It's the OS's responsibility to wake you up later.

typedef struct {
 lock_t l;
 bool locked; // does someone else have it locked?
 proc_t *blocked_list; // linked via 'next'
} bmutex_t;

// implement lock & unlock for blocking mutexes

void acquire (bmutex_t *b) {
 lock(&b->l); // generates no machine instructions!
 while (b->locked) {
  add self to b->blocked_list;
  schedule(); // let someone else run
 b->locked = true;

We need to rethink the organization of this code...

// 'p' = pointer to current process descriptor

for(;;) {
 add p to b->blocked_list;
 p->blocked = true;
 if (!b->locked)
p->blocked = false; // mark ourselves as runnable
remove p from b->blocked_list;

Semaphore: blocking mutex that controls an integer (which tells you how many resources you have available).

Operations on Semaphores: (different names)

void release (bmutex_t *b) {
 for(each process a in b->blocked list)
  remove a from blocked_list;
 a->blocked = false;
 b->blocked = false;

struct pipe {
 bmutex_t b;
 char buf[N];
 sid_t r,w; // can't read this line on the board

for(;;) {
 if(p->w != p->r)
 return c;

Rather than acquire/release:

wait_for(p->w != p->r); // wake me up when there is actually work to do

But, we don't have primitives to do that. Need something else...

Condition Variable


wait(condvar_t *c, bmutex_t *b);

PRECONDITION: We've acquired b

Releases b, then blocks until some other thread notifies us that the condition may have changed. Then, reacquires b and returns.

Other parts of API:

notify(condvar_t *c)

Calls this whenever the condition may have changed. It will wake up one of the waiters (one of the threads waiting on this condition).

broadcast(condvar_t *c) // a.k.a. notify_all(condvar_t *c)

Just like notify, but wakes up all the waiters.

struct pipe {
 bmutex_t b;
 char buf[N];
 sid_t r,w; // can't see the board here
 condvar_t nonempty;
 condvar_t nonfull;

char readc(strcu pipe *p) {
 while(p->w == p->r) // no data in pipe
  wait(&p->nonempty, &p->b);
 char c = p->buf[p->r++];


... | cat | ...

Want to add a new system call

copy(0, 1, 8192); // for performance

// 0, 1 are file descriptors
// 8194 = nbytes

How to implement copy?

void copy(struc pipe *in, struct pipe *out, int nbytes) {


process1: copy(p, q, 1000);

and at the exact same time:

process2: copy(p, q, 1000);

After you, Alphonse!

(waiting on each other forever)

This is "deadlock," or "deadly embrace" (race condition).

There are 4 things that need to happen for these conditions to hold:

  1. Circular wait
  2. Mutual exclusion
  3. No pre-emption of locks
  4. Hold & wait

Therefore, to fix deadlock, you need only fix one of these things.


Fix Property 1:

Whenever a process acquires a lock, check all dependencies for a cycle. If a cycle exists, do not lock. (This is actually not "too bad" to implement).

Fix Property 4:

Order the locks (pick some order). Example order: by machine address. Then, have a rule that says if you need to acquire several locks, you always do it in increasing order. Also, if you have a lock and are waiting, give up all locks and try again.