CS 111 - Operating Systems Principles

      Assembled by: Jeremy Ir, Charles Rudolph, Song Zheng

Lecture 1: Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Assigned Reading: Sections 1 to 2.3

Course Overview

Professor and TAs:
Paul Eggert Mon 12–1, Thurs 2–3 Boelter 4532J
Ian Ku ianku@cs.ucla.edu Mon 2–4 Boelter 4428
Keith Stevens kstevens@cs.ucla.edu Wed 2–3, Thurs 4-5 Boelter 4428

Textbook: Jerome H. Saltzer and M. Frans Kaashoek, Principles of Computer System Design: An Introduction
                    - Systems book, not OS book, very big picture, not enough OS details

Course Website:   http://cs.ucla.edu/classes/spring10/cs111

Course Load:
Hours/Week Actual
Lecture 4 3.7
Discussion 2 1.7
Outside Study 6 12

Course Organization:

***Exams are open book, open note, no electronic devices

Resources for Labs:

Grading Policy:

***Lateness policy, lose one letter grade per day, 3 free late days


What’s a system?

What’s an operating system?

Problems with Computer Systems

Incommensurate Scaling

Emergent Properties

Propagation of effects

Combination Example