CS 111

Scribe Notes for 5/25/10

by Insoo Jeon, Rita Liu, Kevin Delavega

RPC Performance Issues (again)

There is a performance problem due to high transmission delay

Possible solutions:

     1. batching: ask for more data per request


                                       Client                Server


     2. asynchronous requests (HTTP pipelining)


              * What if requests depend on each other?

              * What if one request fails? (this can be tricky)



Linux Virtual File System


Can we support multiple kinds of file systems? 

    * Yes - FAT, ext4, ext3 - all on the same machine.


Use object oriented programming:

    * Kernel specifies an interface

    * Each file system implements that interface

    * Drawback: C isn't object-oriented!


Kernel: iface.h


     * Kernel.org : Best Reference so far!.


kernel specifies a struct

     * Code contains how to open the FS and how to read the FS





NFS (Network File System)


Client process



NFS problems and design issues

     * Lost packets -> resend request (no harm done if idempotent)

     * We can lose transactions implemented via link



unlink("foo") - sending work


(timeout) response is lost

rename("bar", "foo")

while resending another request...

link("bar", "foo")

unlink("foo") return errno == ENOENT



     * Suppose, there is no B

         If( unlink("foo") != 0 && !nfs() )  //!nfs() means work around in usr code

Server caches a limited number of resent requests

     * reports "OK" if it gets a duplicate from the same client.

     * Note: NFS is not POSIX-Compliant



"Stateless" Server

Contents of server RAM doesn't matter. If server reboots, then clients wait.


     + Advantages: simple, reliable

      - Disadvantages: removing a file can take a while.

          * Notice that we might want to use control-C to stop the removing process,

             but we cannot -- we would need complicated mechanism in our file system

             to deal with interrupts and signals. Now by default it's not interruptible.



NFS file handle (which is used by NFS protocol)

     * uniquely identifies a file on a server

     * persists if server reboots


unix: dev_t + ino_t + serial number, where dev_t = file system ID (on server)

                                                                           ino_t = inode number (on server)

                                                                           serial number (nth time you've created this inode #)



NFS protocol (Unix filesystem on wheels)

     LOOKUP(dirfh, "name") -> fh + attributes  

     CREATE(dirfh, "name", attrs) -> fh + attributes

     MKDIR(dirfh, "name", attrs) -> fh + attributes

     REMOVE(dirfh, "name") -> status

     READ(fh) -> data + status

     WRITE(fh, data) -> status

      (where dirfh = file handle of dir, fh=file handle for file in that dir)


CIFS(Windows filesystem on wheels)

     Samba server supports CIFS atop Unix filesystem.


Write Via NFS



           * inconsistent view of data

           * cannot assume file contents are synchronized writes + reads




           * NFS does attempt to have those to open consistency



What else can go wrong?

     * Power failures: careful writes or a log

     * Network failures: hardway cache + replay

     * Media failures: (assume: single point of failure) Like 1 drive fails, use RAID




RAID: redundant array of independent disks


Types of RAID

     * RAID 0: concatenation

                   Interleaved (striping)

                   Faster I/O reliability


(easy to add disks)


     * RAID 1: mirroring (prevent single point failure)

                   Write to both, read from either + faster, read


(write to both, read from either one)


     * RAID 4: Easy to add disk (All 0's for new disk; no need to recalculate parity drive)


                   F= A^B^C^D^E (XOR) <- It's hot! common I/O bottleneck

                        Suppose B is lost, we can recomputed the data of B using the other sector

                        B= A^C^D^E^(A^B^C^D^E^) <-> F(from parity disk)

                        B= A^A^C^C^D^D^E^E(B^)

                        B= B <- got B back


     * RAID 5  = RAID 4 (without parity disk) + striping

                           Note: parity disk implemented in physical disk

                  + No I/O bottleneck

                   - Hard to add disk + less fault


What's the disk failure rate?


           * annualized failure rate


           * 50% AFR of RAID 4



MTTR on RAID 4 (mean Time to Repair)

     1. Hear alert

     2. Walk to machine room

     3. Find a good drive

                      bad drive

     4. Take bad drive out

     5. Put in new drive near

     6. Rebuild on good drive <- can take hours!


     * Note: solid-state disk is good but expensive


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CS111 Operating Systems Principles, UCLA. Prof. Paul Eggert. May 25, 2010.