Scribe Notes

CS111: Fall 2010 - Week 2, Lecture 4

Alfonso Roman
Wei Liao


How to get hard modularity - modules protected against each other - bugs, mistakes, each other - makes system unreliable

1. Run each module on a separate computer.
+ you get parallelism speedup for free (only if you play your cards right!)
eg: Client-Server organization. Suppose we wanted to do call a factorial function.
n = fact(5);
Client module:
receive (fact,response);
if(response.opcode == "ac")
while(1) {
    if(request.opcode == "!"){
          n = request.val;
          int p =1;
          for(int i =1; i<=n; i++)
    } else {
         response = {"ng"}
+ limited the propagation of errors because no shared state -- each side can still run if other side loops
- slower in terms of latency between modules
- authentication issues on a network (i.e. the internet)
- need more machines
- transmission errors
2. Idea is to protect one module: protect B and not A. Extend the machine instruction set to contain new instructions. One fore each server operation.
We have all the normal instructions, but we add to the hardware:
factl, %eax, %ebx   #giving more power to the hardware
A downside to this approach is that it's not very practical when we want to add new functions. But we can try:

Virtualization - we need to build a virtual machine (built on top of another machine). We write an x86 emulator (in C, say), add to this emulator a factl instruction -- run designated program in emulator.
→ client is in emulated program (client is never in control)
→ server is in emulator
- slow (pay performance penalty) by factor of 10

Virtualizable hardware - This lets us emulate machine X on X (if X is virtualizable). The hardware has built in controls to make it easier to emulate itself. How would this work? What are some downsides to this approach?

→ This approach would let emulated programs run at full speed - so long as they're doing "normal" things that won't screw up the emulator.

→ Hardware passes control to emulator if the emulated program does anything privileged

› privileged - danger, i.e. halt
› unprivileged - nice, i.e. mult, add, div
› for this we have to assume that the vast majority of instructions are unprivileged

→ A possible problem is a denial of service attack

› suppose emulated program does a halt loop
› we can have emulator check the number of instructions and boot out program if it detects this behavior
› assume processor has a timeout - once every 10 ms it lets emulator get control - no matter what emulated program is doing.

→ We're also going to need to partition memory (or we can have a violation with store command)

› we'll have an area that's inaccessible to our emulated programs.
accessibe | inaccessible memor
› while we can avoid this by making store a privileged instruction, we violate one of rules -- that majority of instructions are unprivileged!

→ Interrupts give control to emulator (assumption is that you don't spend much time here)

→ We don't want emulated program to talk to devices - these will become privileged instructions (assumption is that most programs don't need to talk to devices)

Using a virtualizable processor to extend our instruction set

Suppose we wanted to extend the instruction set in our emulator in order to calculate factorial. Consider the following code:
addl ...
mull ...
halt ...
5			# we will make the assumption that when we see halt
			# followed by a 5, our emulator will calculate 5!
leal 1(%eax), %ebx
The above code gives us a way to calculate factorial by following a set pattern that our emulator will recognize. When it reaches a halt instruction, it will calculate factorial of number immediately following in the code. This approach is limited in that it only let's us compute constant hard coded values. Let's change that assumption and make our program more dynamic:
movl $5, %eax
halt			# now we assume that 5! is passed in %eax
leal 1(%eax), %ebx

Now we have a better way to get our factorial parameter. The important thing to note here is that we have a privileged instruction in order for the emulator to take control and compute factorial.

This is not the only way we can make this happen. Consider:

jmp * 		# this instruction keeps jumping to itself.
		# after some timer, we check the instruction, and if our emulator
            	# detects a jmp *, we compute factorial

In the above example we set another pattern that the emulator will recognize in order to compute factorial. These approaches make it very important for our x86 emulator to be extremely reliable.

In Linux the convention is to use the int (interrupt) instruction

when a program wants to execute privileged instructions
int [byte]	# byte = interrupt number
		# this is a privileged instruction!
This calls a functions pointed to by interrupt address table. This table is in protected memory, so it can't be accessed by our emulated program. Here is how it works:
int 0x80	# 0x80 = 128 is the system call number in the interrupt table
		# this gives the emulator control and allows
		# it to execute privileged instructions
We enter the interrupt table, which contains function pointers that will handle our system calls.
kernel interrupt table
When this happens, the kernel pushes information into the kernel stack
ss		# stack segment
esp		# stack pointer
es		# code segment
eip		# instruction pointer
error code	# if a problem occurs
Kernel/Emulator can do what it likes -- this includes executing privileged instructions.
reti 		# return from interrupt instruction
		# this pops all the information from the kernel stack and restores
        	# the instruction pointer, then returns control to emulated program

What happens if the kernel want to execute privileged instructions? We obviously can't perform the above actions. Instead, we rely on a special register which holds a flag

› privileged register [ 1/0 ] if 1 = i am privileged
› this is set to 1 at startup, but who sets this bit afterward? Do we need a privileged instruction to set the privileged bit?
› this bit is set when we call the interrupt instruction
› this gives us protected transfer of control, but we loose some speed

We need to set some conventions

Suppose we call:
p = open("xyz", ordwr, 0666);	// This is nicely packaged in the C library so
				// that we don't have to write any assembly code.
Syscall number is stored in the %eax register. Results are stored in the %eax register.
arg 1 : %ebx
arg 2 : %ecx
arg 3 : %edx
arg 4 : %esi
arg 5 : %edi
arg 6 : %ebp
Layering: Building a more useful abstraction from a lower level abstraction

Can this nest? On x86, yes - up to 4 levels. %cpl tells you what level you are in.
x86 layers
How can we use this to build a system?
system abstraction
We want to be able to access instructions

› privileged code - all instructions
› unprivileged - only unprivileged instructions

Access to registers

› we need to have privileged registers
—› these are rarely used
—› and usually needed to control access to system. i.e. %cpl - current process level
› we need to have access to normal registers
—› these need to accessible at full speed
› we also need to virtualize registers so that each program thinks it has its own set.

Consider the following console command:
$ cat | dog

How does each process know which registers it owns? We introduce the concept of process descriptors. These structures describes each process.
file descriptors
The idea here is that each process saves a copy of its registers in this structure. So in this example, cat and dog don't know (or care about) what registers the other was using.

Will this be a big performance hit? While it's true that the more registers you have to load/save will make it slower (think the x86-64 instruction set), the kernel has tricks up its sleeve to handle this. For example, it will only save/restore the registers it needs to use. It also doesn't need to save any of the floating point registers.

We now have a way to manage the registers, but how do we control access to primary memory?

For now we know that there is a 'virtual memory management unit' that does most of the legwork for us. Idea is that each process believes it has its own memory space with a stack and heap. In reality this is mapped to the physical memory of the device. process memory mapping

Access to Devices (we want a single way to abstract access to all devices)

→ No hardware support needed because it's rare
→ We typically use only syscalls
→ Common exception: graphics devices
→ Different kinds of devices:

› request/response
› disk drive
› graphics output
› spontaneous data generation (keyboard or network card)

UNIX's big idea: single abstraction for all devices. (devices are modeled as files)

› base:
—› open
—› read
—› write
—› close
—› seek
› ioctl (leftover junk)

To see an example of just how this abstraction is used, consider this Linux command:

$ cat /proc/cpuinfo
processor	: 0
vendor_id	: GenuineIntel
cpu family	: 6
model		: 23
model name	: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU     P8700  @ 2.53GHz
stepping	: 10
cpu MHz		: 800.000
cache size	: 3072 KB
physical id	: 0
siblings	: 2
bogomips	: 5054.07
clflush size	: 64
cache_alignment	: 64
address sizes	: 36 bits physical, 48 bits virtual
power management:
Using the file abstraction we can treat devices like the CPU as files with useful information. In general, you will see that /proc contains all sorts of useful files that will give you information about processes.

QNX Aside

QNX is an operating system that is based on the idea of client-server message passing we discussed in part 1. QNX uses virtualizable processors to implement message passing whereas Linux uses virtualizable processes to implement extended instruction sets. To learn more about QNX visit this wiki page.