CS 111 Operating System Principles

Lecture on 12/1/2009


Assembled by Jiayan Jiang, Weiguang Si

Know Your Enemy: Threat Modeling + Classification

(To Come Up with Defense Mechanisms)

A Case Study: Courseweb Threats

Students (ordinary users) want to see each other’s work to plagiarize. Outsiders want to gain personal information about students or copies of assignments.

Mode of attack:

1). guess passwords of legitimate users

2). exploit an Apache bug (or other infrastructure bug), e.g. SQL injection

3). Denial of Service (DoS)

4). social engineering (trick someone into a password)

5). take over a router

6). break into the machine room and steal a disk (backup tape)

7). video cam snapping PINs

8). key logger on terminals

9). insider attack

General OS Functions



(Prevents Masquerading)

Based on:

These three ways are often combined, and you can use one to bootstrap another.


Building Blocks:

cryptographic hash functions

+ symmetric encryption

+ asymmetric encryption (more expensive)

cryptographic hash functions example:


symmetric encryption example:


asymmetric encryption example:


A Typical Conversation: A wants to talk to B


SSH (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Secure_Shell) does this.


Access control:


This is too hard to administrate.

We want to shorten the authorization metadata by making it easier to maintain and understand, but the underlying model might be more complicated.