CS 111 Scribe Notes: Security
December 1, 2009

Chen-Hsia Lui
Rajiv Makhijani
Jordan Mendler


Understanding Threats (Know your enemy):

    Example: Attacks on Courseweb

General O.S. functions:

  • Lots of types of attacks, so have to come up with a general API and specialized tools, and hire dedicated security people.
  • Need general OS functions so developers can solve their own specific problems

    Desired Functionality in our Operating System:
  • Authentication:
    • proving who you say you are
  • Integrity:
    • don't want to let attackers muck with data or metadata (especially security metadata)
  • Authorization:
    • Once we know who you are and have security metadata to know what you can do, are you allowed to do X?
  • Auditing (Logging):
    • So we can figure out what the bad guy did (including insiders).
    • So we can undo the changes they made.

  • Efficiency
    • we can't really log everything, or system will be slow, and we essentially DoS (Denial of Service) attack ourself.
  • Correctness
    • we want system to still work as advertised. Important because code/users are adversaries, so have to assume bugs will get found.


  • Authentication prevents masquerading (pretending you are someone else).
  • 3 basic ways to authenticate:
    • based on who the principle (user in question) is.
      • retinal scan
    • based on what the principle knows
      • passwords
    • based on what the principle has
      • physical keys
  • These forms are often combined.
    • Some people have to authenticate with both a key and a password.
  • Can use one to bootstrap the other.
    • Use who I am, to get a new password

  • External: Accept connection from almost anyone, and have to authenticate
    • An example is the login program.
    • Passwords
      • Can be snooped or guessed.
      • Strong passwords are hard to remember and people write them down.
      • Restricting passwords also limits number of possibilities making them easier to crack.
    • Tokens
      • digital keys with number generators
      • RSA keys
  • Internal: Assume user has already gone through external authentication, so need to keep track of user throughout rest of system
    • Integrity must be respected
    • This will be consulted for authorization decisions
    • Logged during audits, so shouldn't reuse users ID's

    Building Blocks:
  • Cryptographic hash functions
    • h(message) = hashvalue that is short (SHA1 is 160bits)
    • Given hashvalue, it is hard to guess message
    • There is a cat and mouse game. People come up with hash, and then people figure out some ways to possibly attack it. So these change over time.
  • Symmetric encryption:
    • Given a message (M) and key (K), easy to encrypt and decrypt Message against Key    (Given M,K easy to --> {M}k     Given M,K easy to --> M )       
    • Given only an encrypted message or message, it is hard to find K    (Given M,K  hard to --> K )
    • Given encrypted message and no key, it is hard to guess message
    • Problem:
      • both sender and receiver need to know the key. Communicating the key over network, it can get sniffed.
  • Asymmetric encryption:
    • Have public key (U) and private key (K), which come in a pair
    • Given public key, it is easy to encrypt a message with public key    (Given M,U easy to --> {M}U)
    • Given encrypted message and private key, it is easy to decrypt message    (Given {M}U,K easy to --> M)
    • If you have public key, can't find private key    (U can't --> K) 
    • Encrypted message requires private key to get message.  ({M}^U can't --> M)  
    • To send a message, just publish your public key. They encrypt against public key, but only you have private key, so only you can decrypt
    • Problem:
      • harder to manage cause 2 keys, and computational more expensive so don't want to over use them.

  • Combination:
    • Say A wants to talk to B:
      • A sends to B "hello, I am A: {NonceA}", encrypted with B's public key
      • B sends to A "hi, got your message, with {NonceA}, here is my {nonceB}", encrypted with A's public key
      • A sends to B "yep, it's me {NonceB}", with B's public key. Sends session key for symmetric encryption
    • Nonce is a random bit string.
      • A knows this Nonce was only sent to B, and only B has private key to decrypt, so B sending it back is valid.
        • Prevents malicious user from sending random packets pretending to be A or B
      • A does same with B's Nonce to do a mutual handshake
    • In reality, this conversation is as follows:
      1. A -> B       {Hello, I'm A {Nonce(A)}K(A)}U(B)
        • B doesn't know A really sent the message
      2. B -> A       {Hi, got your message {Nonce(A)}K(A), {Nonce(B)}}U(A)
        • Tells A we are really B cause only we know the Nonce it sent us
        • Gives a Nonce to A, so B can confirm it is really A
      3. A -> B       {Yep, it's me {Nonce(B)}K(B)  session key}U(B)
        • Tells B we are really A

    • This is how SSH does it
      • Client
        • .ssh/id_rsa.pub
          • Public to publish
        • .ssh/id_rsa
          • Private
          • If you look at this file, content will be sent over internet which is bad.
        • .ssh/known_hosts
          • Server names, IP addresses, and public keys. Public key is to foil masqueration, by knowing what key to expect.
      • Server
        • .ssh/authorized_keys
          • Public keys that can login, so long as they have the appropriate private key.
    • When SSH stats up, it sets up "SSH transport layer"
      • Initial key exchange, which sets up session key as described above
        •  Session key is renewed every so often
      • Packets are encrypted, to ensure privacy
        • Each packet is enclosed with a cryptographic checksum
          • This also ensures integrity
        • Send Message and HASH(Message + Key)
        • From Message and HASH, hard to figure out key

  • We know who users are, but want to keep track of what they are allowed to do

     Access Control:
  • for each principal p; // User
    • for each resource r; // File, etc
      • for each access method m; // Read, write, execute, delete, etc
        • have a bit OK(p,r,m) that says yes or no
  • 3-dimensional array of bits indexed by p,r,m
  • Simple model in principle, but not practical and too hard to monitor in practice
  • Instead, try to come up with a more complicated model to simplify the metadata so easier to maintain (i.e., user can access all files in dir).
    • Downside is model becomes more complex.